February is nationally recognized as Black History Month, a celebration of the substantial contributions Black Americans have made to our nation and each of our communities. It's not only a time for celebration, but also an opportunity for all of us to reflect, educate ourselves, educate our children, and continue the work of racial justice. Here are few ideas on how to do just that:

  • Expose your children to literature about Black Americans. Use literature to teach them about racism and social injustice. Teach them about our history, e.g., slavery, Jim Crow, the American Prison Industrial Complex, and other underlying systemic issues that continue today. Teach them about Black Americans who have changed the trajectory of our country and have had a profound impact on so many lives.
    • Click the image below for Read-Alouds by black authors:

We hope each of your families will celebrate, reflect, educate, and continue the work of social justice, not just during this month, but always.